What Are Foggers?
Termite fogger or “bug bomb” is one of the methods when it comes to killing termites and other bugs. Foggers are typically quite cheap and can be bought in almost any hardware store or supermarket.
I’ve made a research on Amazon, Home Depot and other big online shops, and didn’t find a single product named “termite fogger”. All I’ve found was foggers and bombs for cockroaches, fleas and other bugs which tend to live only on the surface.
But do they actually work? That’s the main question.
Although they are one of the most common, termite bombs are definitely not the most efficient.
How Do They Work?
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A typical termite fogger comes in a pressurized aerosol can that contains termiticide. The termiticide that most companies use is actually just liquid insecticide that can kill all types of bugs. Upon activation, the can will spray the termiticide all around the room. The termiticide then settles on the floor and poisons the bugs.
Before actually activating the bomb, the users should make sure that all of their cabinets and closets are open and the doors and windows are closed. Also, they should leave the premises and wait a couple of hours for the room to air out.
A termite fogger can be effective on the surface for up to two months.
As you can tell, termite bombs are pretty easy to use — but do they work at all?
Do Foggers & Bombs Kill Termites?
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The answer is pretty straightforward — yes, termite foggers and bombs with termiticide do kill termites on the surface.
However, they can’t completely take care of termite infestation. Even if you do everything properly, there’s no guarantee that the termiticide will get to every bug. Termites usually form nests underneath the drywood floor, deep inside the main structure. Termiticide will kill all the bugs on the surface, but will most likely not reach the nest.
Another flaw is that these bombs kill more than just termites. They also kill every type of insect or animal that they come across, including your pets. They are extremely harmful to humans as well.
Even fogger manufactures give a clear answer to this question.
Here is one of them from Amazon:
Q: Will this kill termites while the studs are exposed?
A: Thank you for your question. No, our fogger will not be effective in killing termites.
Efficient Alternatives for Termite Bombs
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Borax (Boric Acid)
Borax is not as strong and poisonous as the termiticide bomb, but it has proven to be effective. Although it does take a while to kill the termites and other bugs (around 3 to 7 days), it’s quite effective.
Just like the termite foggers, borax can be found in almost any supermarket. It comes in liquid and powder form.
Beneficial Nematodes
Nematodes are small roundworms that feed on termites and similar insects. This extermination method is very effective. The best part is — it’s 100% natural, and thus safe for pets and humans.
Diatomaceous Earth
This termite extermination method is also 100% organic and non-toxic. Diatomaceous earth consists of dried-out remains of diatoms, small aquatic creatures. They are very sharp on a molecular level, so they basically cut termites in half.
Professional Exterminator
Professional pest control service is 100% method to go. Professionals will do all the necessary things to eliminate termites completely. Also, you will get a guarantee that termites won’t come back to your property.
Call us and get professional pest control service.
Bug Bombs vs. Professional Termite Treatments
We already know that termite foggers and bombs aren’t that efficient in the long term. But how do they compare to the stuff that professionals use?
Professionals use stronger chemicals, and their methods are more thorough. While foggers require only minimal effort, professional treatments are much more advanced.
Professional methods are various. The most common ones are the soil or wood treatments and the bait systems. All of them require a lot of preparation — for example, setting termite traps all over the house, digging around its foundation, etc.
Do Termite Bombs Work?
No! Termite bombs don’t work. They only kill termites that are on the surface area, but they don’t reach their nests. That’s why you won’t be able to get rid of termite infestation with this method.
Are Termite Bombs Harmful?
The answer is both yes and no.
Termite bombs can be harmless if you follow all the instructions properly. Keep your pets away and ventilate the room properly.
If you don’t do so, these bombs can be very harmful, maybe even lethal for both you and your pet. Another important thing to remember is that a termite bomb can be an explosive hazard, so make sure you don’t expose the can to heat.
Can I Use a Fogger for My Attic?
Don’t do it. A termite fogger can kill some bugs in your attic, as well as for any part of your home but as I sai earlier, don’t expect it to be very effective, being that termiticide can’t penetrate wooden floors or any kind of nests.
Can I Use a Fogger Inside My Home?
Don’t do it. There are plenty of effective and proven methods to get rid of termites inside your home and using termite fogger is surely not one of them.
I strongly don’t recommend you to use foggers to treat termite infestation.
If you’re looking for a long-term solution, termite foggers and bombs are not the way to go. I do not recommend this method of treatment. It’s best to call the professionals. That way, you’ll be sure that you’ve got rid of all the termites once and for all.